6th ADA (Air Defense Artillery) Unit Crest (Certo Dirigo Ictu) - Sold in Pairs
United States Army 6th ADA (Air Defense Artillery) Unit Crest (Certo Dirigo Ictu)
Criteria: This item is the unit crest for the 6th ADA (Air Defense Artillery.) The unit's motto, "Certo Dirigo Ictu," is emblazoned across the lower scroll and translates as, "I Aim With A Sure Blow." The color red alludes to the unit's Artillery designation. The bear is adapted from the crest of the Coast Defenses of San Francisco, from which this unit was originally organized in 1901. The bear is a symbol of California whose battle prowess echoes the motto. This item is worn on the Army Dress Blue (ASU) Uniform.
Note: Sold in pairs (i.e., if you order a quantity of 1 you will receive two Unit Crests).
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