Military Dog Commands You Can Teach Your Dog

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 Military dog commands down


Did you know that military working dogs play a significant role in keeping our country safe? These courageous dogs are trained to handle challenging situations, protect their handlers, and sniff out explosives or drugs.

Military working dogs go through rigorous training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas that involves learning different military dog commands that keep them focused, disciplined and alert. Apart from their work in the military, these commands are basic training skills that you can teach your dog at home.

It is a fact that trained dogs are much happier and are better members of a family. Many times, people incorrectly link behavioral modification (training) with physical corrections or motivations. The fact is, any dog can be trained and a handler does not need to use physical encouragement, force, or corrections in order to teach a dog military dog commands.

Because dogs are social pack animals, they are already biologically inclined to appease the alpha figure in their pack (your family). Teaching them military dog commands that will make them obedient will not only improve their relationship with everyone in the house, it will also give them a fun sense of purpose where they get extra attention from you for being good and showing the desired behaviors.

Imagine a house where a person knocks on the door and the dog barks once, but remains quiet and goes to a predetermined place where he or she sits and patiently waits until they are released from their place. Imagine a dog that walks beside you and does not pull when you are out on walks. It is all possible if you just invest a little time and patience into training your dog and teaching them some basic commands.

In this post, we’ll discuss military dog commands that you can teach your dog.


This command is one of the most basic commands for all dogs. The “Sit!” command is the basic starting block of military dog commands and once dogs learn this basic command and action, the rest is easy because it establishes communication with your dog.

Sitting is beneficial in teaching your dog to stay calm and focused. When you teach your dog the "Sit!" command, you are encouraging obedience and reducing the likelihood of unwanted behaviors. For example, teaching your dog to sit when visitors arrive can help them stay calm and friendly. To teach this command, you can use treat rewards and practice frequently until your dog learns.

Remember, dogs are living creatures and they are prone to make mistakes. They will slip up and not do military dog commands 100 percent accurately at all times. The key to dog training success is to be patient, be consistent and remember to praise them up when they do well and correct errant actions.

military dog commands heel


The "Stay!" command is another of the essential military dog commands that teaches your dog to remain in one position until you give a release command. This command promotes obedience and helps to keep your dog safe when necessary.

For instance, if you're crossing a busy road and need to keep your dog in a secure position, the "Stay!" command can be used. To teach this command, you can gradually increase the distance between you and your dog and reward them each time they successfully follow the command.

In the military, working dogs are taught hand and arm signals that a handler can use to communicate with their dog silently, without saying a word.


The "Heel!" command is one of the military dog commands for dogs that love to pull on their leashes. This command teaches your dog to walk calmly by your side without aggressively pulling or tugging on the leash. It also allows you to keep control over your dog when you're out and about.

You can teach this command by keeping your dog on your left side and using treat rewards to reinforce obedience. If your pet is not motivated by food, although most dogs are, you can use a toy or rubs as a behavior reinforcement.


The "Down!" command is useful for teaching your dog to lie down or stop moving. This command teaches your dog to remain still and calm, no matter what is happening around them.

For example, if you're in a busy area, you can ask your dog to "Down!" to keep them still and avoid them from getting hurt. You can teach this command using the lure-and-reward training method. Out of all the military dog commands taught, this one is likely easiest since lying down is a welcome position for just about any animal.


The "Come!" command is an essential command that teaches your dog to return to you. This command is useful when you're out and about or want to keep your dog safe. To teach this command, you can use the lure-and-reward training method and practice frequently.

Another method is to keep your dog on a long training lead and couple that with a reward.


Military dogs play an important role in our society, and learning how they are trained can benefit your dog. Basic commands, such as sit, stay, heel, down and come are crucial commands that keep your dog disciplined, obedient, and calm.

military dog commands sit

If you feel like making things really interesting and fun, especially if kids are involved in the training of your dog, teach your dog the commands in a language other than English or make up your own commands using a made-up language or strange sounds or whistles.

These military dog commands also help to reduce unwanted behaviors and potential health risks. Teaching your dog these commands is a process that requires practice, patience, and consistency. But with time, your dog will learn and develop the skills necessary to be obedient in any situation. Your dog deserves the best, and learning these commands will enhance the bond between you and your furry friend.

Written by Jared Zabaldo

U.S. Army veteran and entrepreneur, known for founding USA Military Medals (USAMM)


Why would my paired service dogs suddenly know STAND DOWN?

Marsha McAlexander,

My dog was in Afghanistan for 3 years and then retired from the sheriffs department. Rex is almost 11 and I would love to be able to talk with his handlers but do not know how to go about finding them. Can you advise? Thank you

Robin Berge Nokomis,

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