Navy E-3 Fireman Striker Rating Badges
United States Navy E-3 Fireman Striker Rating Badge
Criteria: Worn by the Seamen of the United States Navy, it is the Third lowest rank (E-3). The actual title for an E-3 rank in the USN is dependent upon the community in which the sailor belongs. The colors of the stripes they wear likewise depends on this community. The following communities are:
• Seamen wear white stripes on the navy blue uniform and navy blue stripes on the white uniform.
• Hospitalmen wear white stripes on the navy blue uniform and navy blue stripes on the white uniform.
• Firemen (Engineering community) wear red stripes on both uniforms.
• Airmen (Aviation community) wear green stripes on both uniforms.
• Construction (Seabee community) wear light blue stripes.
No stripes are worn on either of the working uniforms.
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